Announced in the budget last month, the provincial government has introduced legislation that will create a tax credit to get tech start ups to invest in Saskatchewan.

The proposed legislation could offer a a 45%t non-refundable tax credit, capped at a maximum annual benefit of $140,000 per investor. Innovation Saskatchewan will oversee the two and a half year pilot program that hopes to attract new business to the province while also creating technology jobs.

“Saskatchewan has a growing technology sector, and government is committed to providing an attractive business environment to support its expansion and success,” Beaudry-Mellor said in a press release issued this week.  “The Saskatchewan Technology Start-up Incentive will help us achieve this commitment.  It will create the conditions for increased early stage investments in technology start-ups in Saskatchewan, which will in turn help enhance the growth, attraction and retention of start-ups and talent in the province.”

Applicants will be accessed to make sure they meet certain criteria before being able to apply such as the need to be located in Saskatchewan, with 50 or fewer employees.