Halloween is a special time of year for the kids.

This Sunday night, kids will be running from house to house getting as much candy as they possibly can.

As fun as the night is, safety should still be top of the mind for kids, their parents, and drivers on the roads.

There's going to be lots of pedestrian traffic and kids out trick or treating. So extra care and caution is needed in the evening and after school on that day in particular." says Constable Rod Zoerb.

As Halloween is traditionally busy in the dark hours, Zoerb suggested that kids wear something bright on their costumes like reflective gear or even glow sticks to help stay visible. For adults, flashlights are a great tool to help light the way. Zoerb also wants to remind kids to be mindful of people's property and stick to driveways and sidewalks while out and about.

Safety doesn't stop once the kids are home from candy collecting, "We just encourage everybody, if you have small kids obviously inspect the candy. Be sure that it's all inside a package and nothings been tampered with," says Zoerb.

Everyone also needs to keep in mind the pandemic and remember to social distance and wear a mask as much as possible.