A 'Dangerous Animal' alert has been issued by the Government of Saskatchewan for Douglas Provincial Park after another bear has been spotted.

We reported a bear sighting last month at the south end of Diefenbaker lake near Elbow, and since then the province has issued another alert warning campers and cabin dwellers to use caution and to not keep out any food that might attract a bear's attention.

They also recommend locking your vehicle doors to keep out any curious carnivore.

If you do encounter a bear the most important thing is to stay calm, don't run away, and try to make a wide detour while moving away. If you can get a chance, try to put something like a rock or tree in between you and the bear. You can drop an article of clothing or a hat to distract the bear while you slowly move away and if it does attack, fight back. The old saying of playing dead is not a good idea, and you should do everything you can to get that bear to stop, use rocks, sticks or a pocket knife if you have it.

Don't approach it or feed it, and make sure you keep your pet on a leash if you're out for a walk.

You can read our previous article here