The government of Saskatchewan has appointed Robert Freberg as the province's first Chief Firearms Officer.

In the past, CFOs were selected by the federal government, but in 2020 the province decided to move toward provincial oversight and has been working with the federal government to transition the program.

Freberg will now be responsible for administering the Firearms Act, which includes licensing, storage, transportation, and carrying of firearms. He will also be responsible for licensing instructors who provide firearm safety training.

"This is the culmination of over a year of hard work to move to a provincial firearms program that better represents the needs of Saskatchewan citizens," Corrections, Policing, and Public Safety Minister Christine Tell said. "We are in very good hands with Mr. Freberg, and we are confident he will do everything in his power to advocate for responsible firearm owners in this province."

"I have known Saskatchewan gun owners my whole life and I know they stand for safe, responsible, and accountable ownership of firearms," Freberg said. "It will be an honour to serve them and to advocate for them at the provincial and national level."

The Government of Saskatchewan says that they will continue to oppose the federal government’s firearm control measures, which; "will do little to impact firearm-related crime in our province, and unfairly targets law-abiding firearms owners."