The last meeting may have been light, but important nonetheless.

The Assiniboia council recently held a meeting to pre-approve projects and purchases in their 2018 budget.

Chief Administrative Officer Carol White talked about what's next.

"We have meetings at the standing committee level where each department brings their budgets to committee and explains what they want and why. Then the committee will make recommendations to council as to what should stay in and what should stay out."

"We want to do some reservoir cleaning for our treated water. We're doing a water treatment plant project, so we're hoping to coordinate some of the work there and get our reservoirs cleaned if we have to isolate and drain them."

White talked about one of their larger pre-approvals.

"One of our bigger projects that we are planning for 2018 from a recreation point of view is the pre-approval of $180,000 for a new membrane in our pool. It's starting to crack and we thought if we can afford the membrane, that will save the pool and give us some more life."

The Assiniboia council will next meet on February 20th.