The provincial government has announced that some of its fees and charges will be changing in 2020-21; an attempt they say, to better reflect the cost of related provincial services, and one that will provide a moderate increase to the government's coffers.

The largest increase in additional revenue is expected from changes to court fees being charged in regard to estates in the province. Dependent on changes to the 'Administration of Estates Regulations', the changes will include a flat fee on court applications to administer an estate and will provide the lion's share of the extra money to the province with an extra $460,500 generated from roughly 3,250 clients.

Captured wildlife license fees will also be increasing, affecting both commercial entities and individuals who hold permits to keep wildlife in captivity and to import and export wildlife. This includes Falconry, zoos, and game birds, for example. There are roughly 100 existing permit holders of that nature in the province, and the increase in fees should add up to an additional $6,000.

Transcript fees for both General Education Diploma (GED) holders and Adult Basic Education (ABE) holders will rise to $25 from it's current $20. An estimated 400 individuals will be affected.

And finally, the SGI Voluntary Payment Fine for having an unregistered snowmobile will increase from $60 to $125, generating an estimated extra $1,040 annually. According to SGI, Saskatchewan usually sees about 16 offenders each year driving unregistered sleds.

The changes are expected to generate approximately $469,700 in additional revenue this year for the province.