Ray Jones was in a frightening situation in Wakamow Park on Thursday, but likely, he says two 'guardian angels' came to save him.

Jones posted online in the Discover Moose Jaw classifieds the terrifying situation, "I am a 75-year-old senior. I was riding my electric scooter on the Wakamow trail going west of highway 2 exercising my dog yesterday, June 27.

Ray Jones' scooter after it was pulled out of the river.

I am unsure what happened but all of a sudden my scooter made a sharp right turn and plunged over the embankment into the water. Two people saw what happened from the highway. BRIAN and SARA who were complete strangers at the time came running to my aid and Brian jumped into the water and pulled me from my scooter to shore, and making sure I was safe grabbed onto my scooter before the current took it. He then left me with Sara.

BRIAN got a tow rope and between the 3 of us pulled the scooter out of the water. Then above the call, he decided we could load the scooter on his truck and he would take me home."

"He drove me home and that Sara, she followed," Jones later said. "Right to the house here to make sure that I was alright which I thought was really good of her. In the afternoon the cops called me, they called the cops to check up to see how I was. They went the extra mile I would say, both of them."

Jones has been in contact with Brian already, but he wants to meet Sara again and say thank you. He is trying to reach her online and through social media.

"I would say yeah, Brian saved my life. I got two guardian angels."