As we creep closer to by-election day, there's one last candidate to share. 

The fourth and final person hoping to be our next city councillor that is a part of our Meet the Candidates feature that ran this week is Steven White. During the feature, we asked all the candidates the same three questions, hoping to get a little more insight into what they plan to do if elected before we go to fill out a ballot. 

The first question is about the Downtown Facility and Fieldhouse investigation that resulted in sanctions against three current councillors. We asked what needs to happen in order to get the two facilities out from under the negative cloud.

"I think the first thing we need to do is realize we're not qualified to be running these facilities in the first place. Putting the city councillors in place of running a facility of that nature is not what needs to be done; we need to find people that are qualified to do so. That would be the first thing to do to alleviate a lot of the problems that we've had and that's where I would start."

Next up, we asked 'what is the biggest challenge the city faces and how do you plan to address it, if elected?'

"We have buildings that are owned by the City that have been let go, and now we lease them for a dollar... all over the city. The city isn't benefiting from it, the tenants aren't benefiting from it, we need to clean up our act and figure out what we're going to be in, are we going to be in a real estate business or are we going to actually take care of the things that we're in charge of taking care of in the first place like roads, water, infrastructure, things of that nature."

The third and final question was 'Infrastructure and how to pay for it have been a major concern for years. Do you raise taxes or borrow money?'

"I think borrowing is a smarter decision considering the times that we're in. It seems to be that since I've lived here the only solution to anything City Hall has had is raise taxes for everything. The people have been taxed enough as it is, and they haven't seen anything from it, it's time to get to work with the money that we have."

White is running against Heather Eby, Doug Blanc, and Mike Bachiu.