To help parents with the challenges that come with having children diagnosed with mental health related disorders, the Saskatchewan Health Authority is offering a 4 week course called "Beyond the Label".

The course will go through subjects such as managing stress and caring for the family, among many other topics with the goal of not only becoming a better parent and person, but gaining a better understanding of how your child mental health disorder works and how to deal with it.

"So that question about how do we take care of ourselves as parents so that we're in a better place to be able to offer support and care for our children when they are struggling and going through difficult times," said Frances Hamell-Kampus, a local provisional psychologist who is helping run the course.

Another subject is how to deal with the grief that may come with having a child with a disorder.

"It's more about, you know the potential feeling that the parent may have of loss of what they may have thought in an ideal kind of frame of reference as a non-symptomatic child," added Hamell-Kampus. "So they may have had kind of an idealized image of what their child's childhood may have looked like and now they're sort of realizing that there may have been sort of a shift in the journey and what the future may entail."

Along with these subjects, the course will also bring in professionals to talk to parents answer all the questions they may have about mental health disorders, such as treatments.

The four week course begins Monday, January 22nd, and runs from 6 pm to 7:30. The poster below shows all the details you'll need, including a contact number to register and what the class will go over.