Aspen Dental announced on Thursday that they would be closing their doors to the general public and only opening for emergency services,

In a release from the business, they described emergencies as patients who need immediate treatment due to infection, acute pain and/or trauma.

With the office being closed for the time-being, Aspen Dental offered these tips for those who need help managing pain.

Acute Pain Management:

  • Tooth Ache Regimen For Adults:  600mg Advil & 2 Extra Strength Tylenol in   combination every 6 hours.
  • Tooth Ache Regimen For Children 10 and Under:  Children's Strength   Advil/Tylenol combination every 6 hours following advised dose for age and   weight.

Treatment for all swelling:

  • Inside/outside mouth facial swelling will be prescribed an antibiotic for a   minimum 3 days.  After 3 days, Dr. Mullen will make decisions on a case by   case basis to determine if an office visit is required.

Dental trauma:

  • Dr. Mullen will evaluate need for treatment based on the severity of the trauma.   Any treatment to alleviate pain (ie:  extraction of tooth, suturing of tissues and/or a prescription if necessary) will be performed.

All other basic and routine dental needs will be deferred to a later date.

Staff will remain answering phones and checking messages between 9-1 Monday to Thursday.

Anyone needing emergency help will need to call to arrange appointments as walk-ups will not be accepted or allowed access to the office.