As promised at the last council meeting, one of our local dignitaries is continuing to push for ride-sharing in our city. 

Councillor Dawn Luhning asked administration if we've made any more progress on that front and when they could expect to see some regulations on paper. 

Myron Gulka-Tiechko, City Clerk/ Solicitor for the City of Moose Jaw, detailed that they have been following up with Councillor Luhning's request and have gotten some leg work done in the meantime. 

"The solicitor's office is working with bylaw enforcement and interacting with SGI in terms of the regulations that are required. Council may recall that we also have a direction previously to review the taxi bylaw and provisions for accessible rides in that context. The plan is to bring forward both the taxi and a ride-sharing bylaw for consideration," explained Gulka-Tiechko. "There are sort of parallel issues with both matters in terms of the age of vehicles, for example, criminal record checks, and protection of vulnerable populations, etc. Those are things that we are actively reviewing and we are hopeful of bringing an item to executive committee by mid-March."

During the meeting Councillor Luhning also mention that the City of Saskatoon launched Uber last week, and during the previous meeting noted that Regina is also attempting to fast track the process to be able to bring in ride-sharing companies sooner rather than later.