Some good news and some bad in this week's crop report, crop conditions across the province have improved since last week's report but the majority of crops are behind normal in development.

On average, 58 percent of fall seeded crops are behind normal in development.  73 percent of spring cereals and 80 percent of oilseeds are behind normal.  68 percent of pulse crops are also behind normal.

The majority of crop damage continues to be caused by the dry conditions with provincial topsoil moisture condition declining overall since last week's report.  Cropland topsoil moisture is reported as 61 percent adequate and 33 percent short.  Hay land and pasture moisture are reported as 49 percent adequate.

The west-central part of the province is still in need of moisture and the lack of moisture has stunted some crops in the area.

Grasshoppers and gophers also causing some crop damage.