Carnie's Comments


Time for Twitter Tuesday!  I find the best of the best from the Twitterati.

Like this one, "If you're having a bad day, just remember, it's almost grey sweatpants season.  You're welcome."

This mom Tweets, "You learn a lot about your family when you spend 12 hours in a car together.  For example, I learned my family shouldn't spend 12 hours in a car together."

Comedian Dan Regan writes, "In the middle of an argument my wife said, 'You're right' and then she walked out of the room.  Now I'm terrified."

I can relate to this one, "The three stages of career development are:  I want to be in the meeting.  I want to run the meeting and, I want to avoid meetings."

Brent Butt on Twitter shares, "If I had known people were going to believe everything they read on Twitter, I never would have invented it."

Here's a young woman who proudly writes, "I'm at the age where I know the exact right size of Tupperware needed to put away leftovers."

And one more Tweet on Twitter Tuesday, "I hate mornings but I love breakfast.  Why did this happen to me?"