Author: 800 CHAB News

The APF Review Panel is independent and operates at arm's length from government and industry, although members are drawn almost exclusively from these groups. They have made some interesting findings and recommendations.  

For the full report, please go to www.agr.gov.sk.ca.

Following, some of the conclusions of the panel.


Panel members raised many questions that could not be adequately answered in the allotted time frame. Nonetheless, we believe that we have provided an information base and identified important considerations for future Review Panels and for the evolution of the Agricultural Policy Framework, or whatever future incarnations of the APF may be called.

One of the issues the Panel did not fully discuss during the review process was the role of supply management and collective marketing in Canadian agriculture. However, the Panel clearly acknowledged the importance of supply management and collective marketing in Canadian agriculture. Indeed, the APF agreement recognizes supply management as a BRM tool. It is anticipated that the next generation of APF will address the matter of supply management and collective marketing more directly.

This review has been a challenging exercise and a collective learning experience. For the most part it has been an enjoyable one. The Panel sincerely hopes that Ministers will give serious and immediate consideration to our conclusions and recommendations. We thank Ministers for the opportunity to participate in this review.