Getting qualified help on the farm during busy times can be a challenge.

The new Agricultural Operator Program at the Parkland Regional College at Yorkton is helping to provide key training for potential employees.

Registration is now underway for the new Ag Operators Spraying and Scouting Module at Parkland College in Yorkton.

The College had an excellent response to the Seeding module with participants coming from Saskatchewan, Alberta and Ontario.

The course helps current or potential employees develop or fine tune their farm skills and Gwen Machnee, Parkland's Coordinator of University Programs and Applied Research, says, "We'll be talking about pesticide safety, water hauling and how to fill the sprayer, how to clean the sprayer, how to operate different types of sprayers. We'll be looking at the usual tow-behind sprayers where you pull behind a tractor. We'll also be looking at high-clearance sprayers."

Gwen adds, "We'll also be looking at weed identification, plant staging, pest identification. We'll have a couple of workshops, one on transportation of dangerous goods, and another workshop which is not related to the seeding and scouting, but is general information if you're working on the farm, and that's called Oils and Other Fluids."

The program cost is $1,500 per employee per module and is delivered through the Parkland Regional College Campus at Yorkton.

Registration for The Spraying and Scouting Module ends on June 10th and the course begins in Yorkton June 11th.