Carnie's Comments


It's time for the best from the best of the Twitterati. It's Twitter Tuesday!

We'll start with this old fella who says, "Feeling rambunctious this morning. Hold my prune juice."

This snarky gal I follow Tweets, "I wasn't always like this. People made me this way."

That same woman follows that up with this, "My cat can make me apologize for nothing just by glaring at me. I need to start taking notes."

A question, "Do they still make Jiffy Pop Popcorn for the slow adapters to microwave technology?"

Here's a thought, "Coffee. It should be free for everyone born before 1986."

This young mom Tweets, "I had to pick up a maybe-sick kid from kindergarten today and he's already made it very clear he's planning on 'NOT getting better' in time for school tomorrow."

And we'll finish with one from a high school teacher I follow who shares, "A kid just asked for an extension on an assignment because the Maple Leafs are playing tonight. I said yes."